The character of Villanelle is one of the most profound female TV roles. The role itself is actually quite simple, but the implications behind it are ineffable. The subtleness of human emotions, the representation (or the realization) of feminism, the capability of a female psychopath in an adorable way, and its pure female-gaze fascinate me. It's so sexy without being sexual. The tension between Oxana and all other characters is created by her alone, but somehow it works.
一条狗的命运映射了一个人的一生,幼小的puppy被受雇的黑人毒打虐待,让怨恨深深地植根于它的记忆中,于是成长过程中见了黑人就拼命撕咬,变成一只与黑人为敌势不两立的“white dog”,主人还自豪地宣称着“the best of a lot”。最后,善良的女孩和马戏团的人们一起施救,试图挽救它,草蜢影院国语在线观看免费可能太着急了,救治节奏快了些,结果这只white dog went crazy and got shot due to attacking the old owner of the circus. It is sad that the poor dog experinced a poor life.